Monday, November 25, 2019

Blog: Next New

A new type of new media would be a dive system or virtual realty system that allows users to engage into specific categories of their choice such as debates, news conferences, and lectures. Similar to virtual gaming but this type of new media is more interactive for the mentioned categories where participants may engage in the conversation or  listening in to a debate or news. Questions and responses are in real time so all concerns will be addressed and of course each category will have a limitation on participants depending on the event or size of host. Virtual lectures will not only allow professors and students to be closer but they can transport virtually anywhere in the world for first hand experiences. Students can learn about the different geography, elements, and lifeforms in the world without having to worry about harm to the staff or students. I believe this is greatly beneficial to the educational system and hopefully it could be implemented soon.  


  1. I found this post of yours to be really interesting! I also said something similar on how I would like virtual reality to be incorporated more in our day to day lives. However, I didn't think about the way this could help out students as well. I strongly believe having first hand experience in anything can really impact your point of view.

  2. This is a very interesting way to use virtual reality. I have only thought of virtual reality in terms of gaming but did not think about the educational benefits that it can over. This could be another way we break geological barriers in education by being virtually present in classrooms that are across the world and they can participate in our classrooms. This is also a great way to learn how others experience education and how we can help other classrooms and how other class methods can help us. It is a very interesting idea.

  3. I think this idea of yours is very interesting. Many of us do not have the "time" to read all of the news that is out there for us. Your idea could really help us interact with the news that we are interested in and can help up find a focus of news we want more knowledge on rather than have a little bit of knowledge of everything but know nothing on the specific details.
